Explore resources to combat learning loss and build social emotional learning skills. Use these 4 strategies for overcoming learning gaps.
Meet Nearpod’s 2022 Educators of the Year!
We’re announcing Nearpod’s 2022 Educators of the Year award winners! Celebrate the incredible work these teachers are doing.
27 Engaging books for beginner readers
Explore the best, most engaging books for beginner readers to teach reading and foundational literacy skills in your classroom.
How to join Twitter chats about education and teaching
Learn Twitter chat benefits, tips, tools, and etiquette. Join an education Twitter chat, like the #NearpodChat, to network and discuss ideas.
Strategies to support learning continuity amid teacher shortage
Explore strategies to support learning continuity amid the challenge of teacher shortages and retention that administrators and educators are facing.
5 Special education teacher resources and strategies
Explore classroom management and special education teacher resources and strategies with the free education technology tool, Nearpod.
3 ways text-to-speech transform your classroom through Immersive Reader
3 ways Immersive Reader transforms your classroom Students of all ages and abilities can struggle with accessing text in classrooms or at home. Text-to-speech options allow students to access content…
An ode to 12 months of you inspiring us!
Let’s reflect on a year filled with accomplishments and memorable moments inspired by Nearpod’s teacher community.
5 key takeaways from Camp Engage Yes! And…
Explore the top takeaways from Camp Engage Yes! And… Access many virtual PD sessions, self-paced resources, and networking opportunities!