Use these engaging goal setting activities to kick off the new year. Explore new year classroom activities, growth mindset lessons, and more.

Carol Chinea is a Marketing Associate at Nearpod.
Use these engaging goal setting activities to kick off the new year. Explore new year classroom activities, growth mindset lessons, and more.
Carol Chinea is a Marketing Associate at Nearpod.
Explore fun and educational Valentine’s Day activities for students. Teach about the holiday’s history, social emotional learning, and more.
Carol Chinea is a Marketing Associate at Nearpod.
Celebrate Halloween in your school! Explore educational Halloween activities and lessons for your classroom to engage students in learning.
Carol Chinea is a Marketing Associate at Nearpod.
Searching for summer learning resources to prevent the summer slide? Explore educational and fun summer learning activities and lessons.
Carol Chinea is a Marketing Associate at Nearpod.
If you’re looking for summer professional development for teachers, explore opportunities and resources for attending summer programs.
Carol Chinea is a Marketing Associate at Nearpod.
Learn how to make virtual reality (VR) in the classroom. Creating VR experiences for your students can be done in 3 simple steps.
Carol Chinea is a Marketing Associate at Nearpod.
Learn Twitter chat benefits, tips, tools, and etiquette. Join an education Twitter chat, like the #NearpodChat, to network and discuss ideas.
Carol Chinea is a Marketing Associate at Nearpod.
For Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month in May, Nearpod invited students to write an informational script honoring a historical figure from the AAPI community for a chance to…
Carol Chinea is a Marketing Associate at Nearpod.