2020 was quite the climb, but we made it to the top together! This holiday season, in addition to your well-deserved winter break, we figured you could use some extra…
Learn world languages with Nearpod: Spanish and French classroom resources
World Language teaching has evolved. With our World Languages lesson collection, Nearpod honors the importance of centering cultural competence and prioritizing authentic practice to attain the fluency needed by 21st-century…
Cómo aprovechar al máximo las inversiones recientes en tecnología para el aula
El año escolar 2020-2021 probablemente será recordado como uno de los años más inusuales, ya que muchos alumnos de todo el mundo participaron en algún tipo de aprendizaje en línea…
Nearpod mini-lessons to build classroom routines
Keep reading for ideas and free mini-lessons to inspire your classroom routines!
How to Keep Classroom Relationships Strong During Distance Learning
Here are ideas to help sprinkle the magic into your distance teaching lessons by using Nearpod to keep classroom learning stronger than ever.
Nearpod Launches Social Emotional Learning Curriculum
175+ ready-to-run lessons equips teachers with the necessary resources to create classrooms filled with teamwork, empathy, self-advocacy, character education, mindfulness and more.
- Implementing Nearpod
- Instructional resources
- Leadership
- Nearpod tips
- Pedagogy
- Teachers
- Trends in education
Nearpod for Home-Based Learning: Your COVID-19 Contingency Plans
We know many educators are developing plans for possible school closures due to COVID-19, or already dealing with active closures. Since Nearpod has always been a go-to for keeping students…
Using Nearpod with Video Conferencing Solutions
We know that educators are currently making plans for what to do in case their school temporarily switches to distance learning. Did you know that popular conferencing tools are offering…