How can administrators support teachers during test prep? Explore standardized test prep strategies principals can leverage schoolwide.
Bridget McKnight is a Product Marketing Manager at Nearpod.
How can administrators support teachers during test prep? Explore standardized test prep strategies principals can leverage schoolwide.
Bridget McKnight is a Product Marketing Manager at Nearpod.
Explore our resource and tips guide to support racial justice in education, racial equity, and social justice in teachers’ daily instruction.
Bridget McKnight is a Product Marketing Manager at Nearpod.
Explore differentiated instruction examples to support students. Use these steps to learn how to differentiate instruction and learning.
Bridget McKnight is a Product Marketing Manager at Nearpod.
Identifying and addressing learning gaps is crucial for student achievement. Explore tips on how to shrink learning gaps in education.
Bridget McKnight is a Product Marketing Manager at Nearpod.
Learn how to boost student voice by integrating student voice with Nearpod. Use these tips to enhance students’ learning experience.
Bridget McKnight is a Product Marketing Manager at Nearpod.
Personalized learning, done right, offers targeted, digital, and data-driven content. It also allows students to reflect on their learning.
Bridget McKnight is a Product Marketing Manager at Nearpod.
Planning and designing effective instruction is crucial for student learning. Explore effective instructional strategies and resources.
Bridget McKnight is a Product Marketing Manager at Nearpod.
Explore student-centered strategies, activities, and benefits in learning. Use these 7 student-centered learning examples with technology.
Bridget McKnight is a Product Marketing Manager at Nearpod.
Explore a guide to artificial intelligence (AI) in education. Use these productive and effective AI ChatGPT examples for the classroom.
Bridget McKnight is a Product Marketing Manager at Nearpod.
MTSS in education stands for Multi-Tiered System of Supports. Explore MTSS best practices and examples for instruction in schools.
Bridget McKnight is a Product Marketing Manager at Nearpod.