Descubra 10 usos incríveis do Nearpod na sala de aula para transformar sua experiência de ensino e envolver os alunos.
Unlocking the potential of ARP ESSER Funding for education
Learn what ARP ESSER funding means for schools and its potential. Explore Nearpod and Flocabulary solutions for your school and district.
Camp Engage en Español conectó +9.500 educadores: ver las grabaciónes
Cada año, Nearpod organiza el Camp Engage, evento educativo gratuito que conecta a miles de profesionales en talleres de desarrollo.
How to use technology in the elementary classroom
Explore ways to use technology in the early elementary classroom and tools to help keep students engaged with elementary classroom technology.
What’s new with Nearpod: Back to school 2023
Nearpod has new updates in time for back to school! Explore the new lesson builder, teacher to student feedback, and more!