#NearpodChat: Best Practices to Teach Students at all Levels
We recently wrapped up another engaging #NearpodChat on Best Practices to Teach Students at all Levels. Co-hosting was Nearpod Certified Educator Michelle Singh. Follow her on Twitter @SinghNBCT!
Click here to see the whole discussion from November’s #NearpodChat.
Below are some of our favorite tweets from the recent chat.
Q1: How can you identify the different levels and abilities of your students?
A1: Formative assessments (draw-it, etc.) help me identify where Ss are. Do they need extra practice or real world examples? #NearpodChat
— Ms. Singh, NBCT (@SinghNBCT) November 2, 2017
#NearpodChat A1: data always helps but observation and relationship makes everything more clear
— Melody (@mjmcalli) November 2, 2017
Q2: How can you differentiate your lessons so that all levels of students can be engaged in your class at the same time?
A2: Just getting into blending Nearpod with Hyperdocs. Allows for easy differentiation. #Nearpodchat
— Angela Greene (@AngelaGreene12) November 2, 2017
A2: The student paced option is great for Ss not with me, I personalize each one bssed on S need #nearpodchat
— Mrs. Dixon (@Mz_Teacha) November 2, 2017
Q3: What strategies do you use to help both gifted + talented and special ed students showcase their critical thinking?
A3:I love the share feature of open ended questions. I often share multiple student responses to showcase the different levels#nearpodchat
— EspañolJoyce (@HjoyceLNCS) November 2, 2017
Q4: What is your favorite way to provide ongoing and purposeful formative assessment tasks for all types of students?
A4: I love all the features of Nearpod to fomatively assess my students as I progress through a lesson #Nearpodchat
— EspañolJoyce (@HjoyceLNCS) November 2, 2017
#NearpodChat A4: really love post-it quickwrites that Ss post in the parking lot, fast way to assess & reflect & share w/ entire class
— Melody (@mjmcalli) November 2, 2017
Q5: What is a unique way you can use edtech to get all students collaborating in the classroom?
A5: I love to use edtech after open ended questions to encourage students discourse and interaction. It enhances learning #NearpodChat
— Mr. Jose Sanabria (@MrJoseSanabria1) November 2, 2017
A5: Ss can collaborate with editable web-links to Google files (docs, slides); Office files & apps (Word, PPT, Forms OneNote). #NearpodChat
— Ms. Singh, NBCT (@SinghNBCT) November 2, 2017
Q6: What is your favorite strategy for planning and organizing lessons so that you can be sure to reach all types of students?
Q6 sometimes its as simple as asking the students what they want…then actually listening to them. #nearpodchat
— Mrs. Dixon (@Mz_Teacha) November 2, 2017
A6: I love to have a pool of activities and ideas related to a common topic that I need to teach and choose based on students #NearpodChat
— Mr. Jose Sanabria (@MrJoseSanabria1) November 2, 2017
Join us for our next #NearpodChat on December 6th, 2017!

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