Hear from Nearpod educators about how they elevate female voices and narratives in their instruction and in education.

Carol Chinea is a Marketing Associate at Nearpod.
Hear from Nearpod educators about how they elevate female voices and narratives in their instruction and in education.
Carol Chinea is a Marketing Associate at Nearpod.
We’re announcing Nearpod’s 2023 Educators of the Year award winners! Celebrate the incredible work these teachers are doing.
Carol Chinea is a Marketing Associate at Nearpod.
Learn about Nearpod and Flocabulary’s PioNear ambassador program and meet the newest members! Join Nearpod’s communities!
Carol Chinea is a Marketing Associate at Nearpod.
We’re announcing Nearpod’s 2022 Educators of the Year award winners! Celebrate the incredible work these teachers are doing.
Carol Chinea is a Marketing Associate at Nearpod.
Learn Twitter chat benefits, tips, tools, and etiquette. Join an education Twitter chat, like the #NearpodChat, to network and discuss ideas.
Carol Chinea is a Marketing Associate at Nearpod.