Nearpod’s ISTE 2016 Recap
ISTE 2016 was an incredible event for Nearpod. Check out the conversation on twitter here, and take a look at the huge lines of educators who were waiting to visit the Nearpod booth and win a VR headset!
We had an amazing time interacting with educators, demoing how Nearpod can enhance the classroom experience for teachers and students, and showing off our new VR headsets with Nearpod VR field trips. Thank you to the many PioNears, Nearpod Certified Educators, and other educators who shared the Nearpod love in workshops and sessions, at our booth, and online during the conference.
The momentum we experienced and the excitement that we saw from educators at ISTE are incredible. Check out the shout-out in Edsurge’s article with the likes of other “up and coming” edtech names you may have heard of…Microsoft, Amazon, and Google. Wow!
We loved seeing educators make connections between Nearpod and their teaching practice, and we were floored by the collaboration we witnessed between educators who took time to share and teach each other how to incorporate Nearpod into classrooms. ISTE reinforced our belief that we’re building something that can positively impact every student and teacher, and we’re grateful to our passionate community of educators who continue to support our platform and our company!
Thank you for a memorable ISTE!

Nearpod’s award-winning platform is used by thousands of schools around the globe, transforming classroom engagement.