#NearpodChat: Preparing for Back to School – August, 2017
We recently wrapped up another engaging #NearpodChat on Back to School Preparation. Co-hosting this time was our very own Teacher Support Specialist and founder of peppyzestyteacherista.com, Amber Calderon. Follow her on Twitter @PeppyZestyTeach and Instagram @PeppyZestyTeacherista!
Here are some of the top Tweets in response to August 2nd’s #NearpodChat on Back to School Preparation!
Q1: What are your instructional goals for this academic year?
A1: Provide a more student centered learning experience. I want to be a guide on the side type of T! #nearpodchat
— Chris Wolf (@wolfsciedu) August 3, 2017
Q2: What can teachers and admin do the first week of school that will make a dramatic difference the rest of the year?
A2: Worry less about the rules. Get kids so excited for learning that they can’t wait to come back! That’s my plan for week 1! #NearpodChat
— Brita Willis (@brita31) August 3, 2017
A2 Less needless meetings! More time for #edcamp style learning opps! More time to learn about #nearpod #NearpodChat https://t.co/5zhyfK828z
— Cindy Modecki (@ReadingCindy) August 3, 2017
Q3: How do you plan to monitor appropriate use of technoogy in the classroom?
A3: This year getting parents on board by hoping to use @nearpod lesson at open house to model how we use tech in the class #NearpodChat
— Vickie Morgado M.Ed (@vickiemorgado1) August 3, 2017
A3: beginning year w digital citizenship lesson and will monitor Ss as they work. It’s on us to show them how to be safe online #nearpodchat https://t.co/gy1K37ip6H
— Abbey Tipton (@MrsTiptonA) August 3, 2017
Q4: How do you plan to collaborate and utilize other teachers’ strengthes when lesson planning?
A4 I’d love to see our school leadership use Twitter chats as a PD alternative! #NearpodChat
— Jessica Solano (@2017FLTOY) August 3, 2017
A4: Set your goals, choose the best technologies, spend some time to practice it together with the teachers #nearpodchat
— Steven Sutantro (@Steven_Sutantro) August 3, 2017
Q5: How do you plan to leverage technology to meet the needs of each student this year?
A5: by harnessing the built in differentiation of @nearpod and the awesome accessibility features in the iPad #NearpodChat
— Collaborative Genius (@collabgenius) August 3, 2017
Q6: How do you envision Nearpod benefiting your class this year?
A6 I see it helping to close the ach gap w instant feedback, real world application, student voice, & authentic conversations #NearpodChat
— Jessica Solano (@2017FLTOY) August 3, 2017
See the whole discussion for August’s #NearpodChat here.
Join us for our next #NearpodChat on September 6th, 2017!
How about some new Nearpod Essentials for Back to School?

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