Using Title Funds for Nearpod
Get the most from federal funding designed to ensure high academic standards and college and career success for all students. This post will identify how Nearpod’s different offerings are aligned to the ESSA requirements and how to leverage resources you have to gain access to Nearpod for your school or district.
[click_to_tweet tweet=”Did you know you could use title funds to get #Nearpod in your school? Learn how to get the most from federal funding.” quote=”Did you know you could use title funds to get #Nearpod in your school? Learn how to get the most from federal funding.”]
What is Title I?
Title I provides funding to schools with a high number of students from low-income families. Funds are designed to provide all children significant opportunity to receive an equitable and high-quality education and can be used for supplemental instructional materials and professional development.
Title I: Equitable access to quality education
Strengthen academic programs and improve conditions for all students with thousands of standards-aligned, rigorous lessons with built-in scaffolds to tap into every learner with Effective Curriculum
- Provide access to rigorous academic content with strategies and scaffolds to support every learner
- Synchronize and receive comprehensive student assessment data
- Integrate culturally relevant content into classrooms, so students see themselves in what they learn
- Ensure a safe climate and culture in schools with relevant Social Emotional Learning experiences
What is Title II?
Title II funds are designated to foster high-quality teaching and leadership in schools and districts. Funds can be used for teacher and leader professional development.
Title II: Teacher Preparation, Training & Recruitment
Nearpod Learning Labs is research-based professional development content that is 100% ready to be delivered by anyone, regardless of specific content knowledge. These professional development experiences increase teacher and leader quality through actionable and engaging learning. With Nearpod Learning Labs, empower every teacher to reach every learner.
- Access research-based professional development content that is 100% ready to be delivered
- Enable Professional development experiences to increase effective teachers, instruction and leader quality through actionable and engaging learning
What is Title III?
Title III funding supports supplemental services that improve the English language proficiency and academic achievement of English Language Learners (ELLs). It can be used for supplemental instructional materials or for professional development that supports this population.
Title III: English Language Instruction
Use Nearpod EL to support the diverse language, academic, and social-emotional needs of English Language Learners with 4,000+ scaffolded lessons, videos, and activities aligned to ELD standards.
- Enhance core-content instruction, academic language development, communicative language, and real-world experiences
- Incorporate built-in scaffolds and a variety of interactive features, such as VR, 3D images, video, activities, audio recording, and Immersive Reader
- Focus on Tier II and Tier III vocabulary for success in all content areas
What is Title IV?
Title IV is a flexible block grant intended to be customized to support the strong evidence showing the need for students to have access to programs that meet their comprehensive needs, mental and physical health and safety and provide a challenging learning environment that effectively uses technology. Funds can be used for programs and professional development that support these initiatives.
Title IV: 21st Century Schools and Whole Child
Nearpod’s 21st Century Readiness Program equips students with the skills and knowledge for success in and beyond the classroom.
21st Century Readiness Program Subjects:
Digital Citizenship and Literacy: Prepare students to interact with technology. These K-12 solution resources provide instruction in computer science including digital citizenship, coding, applications of technology, and media literacy.
College and Career Exploration: prepare students for opportunities beyond school. Provide equal access to future opportunities as students explore college pathways and career clusters.
Social and Emotional Learning: Promote safe, positive learning environments with resources built from CASEL’s leading framework to facilitate student development of SEL competencies.

Nearpod’s award-winning platform is used by thousands of schools around the globe, transforming classroom engagement.