Explore ideas to empower students as content creators to foster a sense of ownership in their learning and prepare them for future careers.
6 Best practices for parent-teacher conference communication
Turn the pressure of parent-teacher conferences into productive, positive dialogues. Explore tips for effective parent-teacher communication.
6 Strategies to provide meaningful student feedback
Student feedback helps teachers enhance learning experiences and improve teaching. Explore strategies for giving meaningful student feedback.
5 Strategies to provide effective feedback for teachers
Explore tips and strategies administrators and principals can use to provide effective feedback for teachers in their schools.
How to make teaching science interactive using the 5E Model
Explore interactive science tips and activities for your classroom. Boost student engagement and learning by teaching with the 5E model.
5 Tips for teaching social studies using interactive lessons
Are you a new teacher? Learn how to teach social studies online and in the classroom using interactive social studies lessons and technology.
How to implement the 4Cs in education to teach 21st-century skills
4Cs education focuses on teaching students essential 21st-century skills. Explore how to use the 4Cs in everyday instruction with technology.
TPACK model explained with examples for the classroom
The TPACK model is a framework to integrate technology into teaching. Learn practical TPACK examples you can use in the classroom.
Back to school free lessons and activities to build classroom community
Explore the perfect lessons for building relationships and learning more about students in your classroom this back to school.
6 Fun strategies for teaching reading comprehension
Explore interactive activities and tips for teaching reading comprehension. Use these reading and writing strategies in your classroom.