Rolling out 1:1 devices across a district: Lancaster SD’s story
To reach their goal of empowering creative digital learning and modernize classroom instruction, School District of Lancaster (SDoL) selected Nearpod’s student engagement platform to accompany their district-wide 1:1 iPad initiative. In one year, they’ve seen teacher adoption across many schools, enabled by professional learning and support from their Instructional Technology Team. In May 2019, over 40 teachers were inducted into their Pod Squad, Nearpod innovators who have been challenged to champion Nearpod usage in their buildings. Usage continues to grow as these master teachers utilize technology in their classrooms and share Nearpod practices with their colleagues.
• Equipped with iPads in the classroom, SDoL needed a strategy for utilizing
technology to its fullest.
• The Instructional Technology Team worked to identify a few core instructional apps
that allowed for student creativity in learning, aligned to PA Core Standards and
were easy to use for teachers at all school levels.
• SDoL lacked the expertise to develop lessons for district priority areas – college and
career readiness, digital citizenship, and (future) social and emotional learning.
SDoL chose Nearpod and Nearpod’s Supplemental Curriculum content – Digital Citizenship, Social & Emotional Learning, and College & Career Explorations.
• They integrated Nearpod with Schoology – students easily access lessons directly from the LMS.
• The Tech Team provided a district-level Nearpod microcredential through Schoology for
teachers. Teachers are rewarded with digital and physical badges, certificates, and the
opportunity to be inducted into the Pod Squad.
• 950 teachers with Nearpod today
• 11,741 lessons launched in 2018 – 2019, growth from 1,977 the previous year
• Student engaged moments: 1M+ in 2018 – 2019
Keys to success:
A product that both teachers and students are excited to use and is aligned to PA Core Standards.
• Ongoing support from the Instructional Tech Team to ensure teachers are effectively
integrating Nearpod into their instruction
• Nearpod Customer Success Manager to support SDoL district initiatives
Popular Nearpod features:
• Lesson Library for teachers – 50% of lessons based on Nearpod content
• Interactive Collaborate Board and Time to Climb game for elementary students
• Notes feature for middle schoolers

Nearpod’s award-winning platform is used by thousands of schools around the globe, transforming classroom engagement.