Teachers, you can get started for free.
Administrators, bring Nearpod to your school or district.
Students interact from any device, live or on their own time
Teachers get real-time feedback and post-session reports
NEW! Students can drag words and images onto any background while you monitor progress in real-time.
Available with a paid subscription.
An interactive whiteboard where students can draw, highlight, type, and add pictures.
Give your students a chance to freely demonstrate their understanding of a topic.
Assess students understanding through multiple choice questions and receive instant results.
Highlight student opinions, check for understanding, or provoke a discussion.
Create collaborative learning opportunities where students can share ideas in real-time.
A fun “drag & drop” activity that allows students to populate blanks with words.
A classic match game. Let students test their knowledge by matching pictures and/or text.
Up the engagement in the classroom, while assessing students’ understanding with game-like activities!
NEW! Students can drag words and images onto any background while you monitor progress in real-time.
Available with a paid subscription.
An interactive whiteboard where students can draw, highlight, type, and add pictures.
Give your students a chance to freely demonstrate their understanding of a topic.
Assess students understanding through multiple choice questions and receive instant results.
Highlight student opinions, check for understanding, or provoke a discussion.
Create collaborative learning opportunities where students can share ideas in real-time.
A fun “drag & drop” activity that allows students to populate blanks with words.
A classic match game. Let students test their knowledge by matching pictures and/or text.
Up the engagement in the classroom, while assessing students’ understanding with game-like activities!